
My first book, Practices of the Python Pro, has been translated into Polish, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese. Today I finished my collection of the print copies of all the different editio...
Publishing Python Packages is now on Product Hunt. If you're interested in learning more about the latest standards and automating Python package life cycle management with tooling like tox, pytest...
Publishing Python Packages chapter five has been submitted! This chapter covers how to set up an effective unit testing workflow, including test coverage and a dependency matrix.
Build Smarter is ITHAKA's publication covering what we learn in our engineering, quality assurance, and Agile practices to deliver software faster and safer.
Deploying Features Under Cover of Darkness teaches you how JSTOR uses feature flags to release software to production for testing before turning it on for users.
Django's cached template loader shows how to boost the performance of applications on older Django versions and how to avoid confusion during local development with the cached template loader.
Blazing Fast Python shows you how to profile a Python application in production to identify potential areas for performance improvement.
Using Custom Authentication Backends in Django takes you a step further with Django authentication, showing you how you can integrate with existing systems or devise new ones for authenticating users.
Learn the Django User Authentication System teaches you how to get started with authenticating users to your Django website.
Python Mixins for Fun and Profit teaches you what mixins look like in Python and how to avoid some pitfalls to use them successfully.
An Effective Python Environment: Making Yourself at Home teaches you some of the tools you can use to become productive with Python development right away.
Effective Python Testing with Pytest teaches you the advantages of using pytest over unittest and how to be productive with pytest's powerful features.
Build a Blog with Django, Vue, and GraphQL offers a practical step-by-step guide to setting up isolated backend and frontend applications for a blog that talk to each other using GraphQL!
Practices of the Python Pro covers introductory software design and best practices for people just joining the software industry.
Publishing Python Packages covers modern development tools, the latest Python packaging standards, and a repeatable workflow for maintaining open source Python software.